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2024-05-15 09:09:23

Schnellfahrstrecke Hannover-Würzburg: Deshalb kostet die Sanierung des Rauhebergtunnels so viel
5200 Meter misst der Rauhebergtunnel zwischen Göttingen und Kassel, 300 Meter davon hat die Bahn saniert. Dadurch soll es keine Verspätungen und Ausfälle auf der Strecke mehr geben, doch neue Einschränkungen drohen.
2024-04-13 16:12:39

Once again, Russia's strategy is to assume #Ukraine will run out of bullets before Russia runs out of soldiers.
And thanks to Russian assets Donald Trump and Speaker Johnson, it may work.
Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to world security, and should be treated as such.
2024-03-11 23:38:11

Victims of Catholic nuns rely on each other after being overlooked in the clergy sex abuse crisis | Courthouse News Service
2024-03-15 11:38:14

Bahnverkehr am Mittelrhein: Lage hat sich entspannt
Nach den Problemen im Zugverkehr am Mittelrhein hat sich die Situation wieder entspannt. Am Donnerstag gab es auf beiden Rheinseiten Ausfälle und Verspätungen.…
2024-05-12 07:15:23

Israel, Eurovision, social media
I normally stay away from all of this sort of thing. But I've been thinking about this a LOT over the last few hours.
You may not like it, but if you're in the UK and have any kind of open mind at all, you might have to take a long, hard look at your social media bubble.
Israel won the public vote in the UK. That's the telephone vote, where ordinary members of the public choose who they want to win. And it cost each & every person cold, hard cash to cast a vote.
So unless you're going to go all "ThE jEWs thEy aRe RiCh & coNTRoL thE MEdiA" on me (and if you are, FOAD please), the only possible conclusion is that there is a hell of a lot more sympathy and support for Israel among the UK public at large than you'd know from reading Mastodon posts.
It may be an unpalatable truth but the bubble effect is very, very real.
2024-03-09 02:17:26

Also I just must say that I really do like Spaceman (2024, Netflix).
Yes it's Adam Sandler in the lead but it's directed & produced by the guy who made the Chernobyl (2019, HBO) miniseries. The Post-Soviet vibes just hits, y'know.
#miniReview #fz_thinkingOutLoud

You should read Thomas Zimmer’s three-part series on #Project2025:
2024-03-09 08:34:25

Ieri grande giornata per la musica, con i nuovi incredibili album di Kim Gordon («The Collective») e Moor Mother («The Great Bailout»).
#8marzo2024 #musica

La copertina del disco «The Collective» di Kim Gordon. Sullo sfondo rosa ci sono due mani che tengono uno smartphone; la foto è sfuocata. Sopra, partendo dalla sinistra in alto e scendendo fino a metà della copertina, è scritto il nome dell'artista e il titolo dell'album in carattere bianco
La copertina del disco «The Great Bailout» di Moor Mother. Su uno sfondo grigio-marrone scuro sono disegnate - una di profilo, sulla sinistra, una di fronte, sulla destra - due figure che indossano delle maschere tradizionali africane. Al centro, tra di esse, c'è una specie di obelisco usato probabilmente per qualche rito. Sotto all'obelisco ci sono altre figure più piccole, anche queste mascherate. La copertina ha un aspetto orrorifico.
2024-03-11 07:11:02

ist euch schon mal aufgefallen, das es an tagen _vorm_ #bahnstreik plötzlich durchsagen zu verspätungen gibt, weils auffallen täte, wenn _nur_ die infos über die böseböse gdl übern sender gingen.
fckbahnmanagement, wo bleiben die whistleblower, die endlich die anweisungen für diese dauerdesinformationskampagne an echte journalisten wie correctiv weiterleiten?

bahnsteigende im regen. am lichtmast vorne klebt braunes klebeband, im hintergrund links eine vollgestickerte streugutkiste, rechts das 'kein-durchgang-symbol', das irgendwer mit 'KLO' beschriftet hat.